Ch Devonshire’s Pale Rider
Nipntuck All Aces x Am Ch Devonshires Wild Berry Zinger
OFA Good/Elbows normal, Parentage clear for EIC, PRA-prcd, HNPK, Heart Echo clear. Eyes checked annually

Clint arrived in Canada in 2018, in a few outings he completed his Canadian Championship, including Winners Dog at the Labrador Owners Club June specialty.
He is a sweet boy who moved right in and made himself at home with the rest of our crew. His winning personality and good disposition is apparent through his happily wagging tail and kind expression. He has beautiful movement with good reach and strong drive, solid topline with tail carriage directly off his back.
His offspring have met our expectations and proved themselves as meeting the Labrador standard in relation to original purpose of the breed in both trainability and type. Sire of multiple champion offspring.
Thank you to Allison Rogers (Devonshire) for allowing us to bring Clint to Canada.
Clint is available at stud to approved females.